In recent years, the old brand Smess Videos has been known for creating fun and innovative tutorials. They are accessible contents for both Brazilians and foreigners who understand the English language.

Computer Graphics is the biggest focus for the contents of this site. That’s why Smess Videos decided to renew for a more appropriate name: CG Epic! The meaning of this is simple, “Computer Graphics Epic”, with the slogan that fits best with the brand: “CG is so Cool, Great and Epic!”

This phase of transition is not yet complete. CG Epic needs to safely carry out the following objectives:

  • Change the name in profiles of social networks and platforms;
  • To prepare link redirection for new domain;
  • To change the default domain from to on all pages.

The restructuring is also in the work plans for there to be optimization in productivity. This means producing content that is neither exorbitant nor trivial.

Thanks for reading! A hug to everyone and see ya!