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Olá everybody! \e/

In this page I will tell you more details and my conception about this project.

Previous Tutorial

The previous tutorial was my crazy idea that awakes my interest to start studying a way to make some dynamics for the Portal. It was good to work, and I got back some mathematical knowledge at that time, hahaha! After all, the research brought me some limitations and complexities, like math expressions in Drivers and impossibility to act in ceiling and floor. Anyway, I was an “engineer” working more on the blackboard than on the workbench.

Prototype of Improvement

The idea of improvement came as a set of Blender functions that I never thought was useful, and this changes my conception about each features from Blender.

What made me excited with the new idea is the simplicity and functionality of using. I just made duplication group and a simple logical scheme with parenting and constraints.


Look at this diagram… Everytime I do it makes me laugh.

So I did a physical test with a ball and a table, and the result impressed me.

The Current Project

With idea from prototype, I decided to proceed and enrich more the project with materials and compositing, to make even more like the Portal game. The Cycle was a good choice to start this improvement, because it brought simple procedure of masking with Holdout Shading. If you’re not using Cycles, the Portal scheme works with Blender Internal too, but with different procedures for masking (check out the Part 2 of previous tutorial). 😉

A few days ago, when I’ve published the looped gif to Google+ and Facebook groups, the members have noticed a “weird shadow” in the reflexion of Glossy Shading. Well… This is the Holdout Shading on reflexion, it means, we still have many things to do for this project, and feedback like this helps the project progress.

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Charlie (from TJSR) playing with Portal.

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Suzanne passing through Portal repeatedly.

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Future of Tutorial

I hope that project continues with more optimizations, functionality and much more for the next tutorials. I think that there are many things to revise, fix and enhance, and with patience and calm mind.